Ottawa 6:15 am


Feels like 16°c. few clouds. Gentle breeze.

Wind: 3.09m/s E

Humidity: 97%

Dewpoint: 15°c

Visibility: 10 km

Pressure: 1026hPa

UV: 0

Sunrise: 6:41 am

Sunset: 7:13 pm

Hourly Forecast

8 Day Forecast

Expect a day of partly cloudy with clear spells

The high will be 27°c, the low will be 16°c.

Wind: 2.3m/s

Humidity: 68%

Dewpoint: 18°c

Pressure: 1027hPa

UV: 5.15

Sunrise: 6:41 am

Sunset: 7:13 pm

There will be clear sky today

The high will be 28°c, the low will be 15°c.

Wind: 3.08m/s

Humidity: 59%

Dewpoint: 17°c

Pressure: 1025hPa

UV: 4.85

Sunrise: 6:42 am

Sunset: 7:11 pm

There will be partly cloudy today

The high will be 26°c, the low will be 16°c.

Wind: 2.6m/s

Humidity: 65%

Dewpoint: 17°c

Pressure: 1023hPa

UV: 4.4

Sunrise: 6:44 am

Sunset: 7:09 pm

There will be partly cloudy today

The high will be 24°c, the low will be 15°c.

Wind: 1.81m/s

Humidity: 64%

Dewpoint: 14°c

Pressure: 1021hPa

UV: 4.65

Sunrise: 6:45 am

Sunset: 7:08 pm

There will be partly cloudy today

The high will be 26°c, the low will be 17°c.

Wind: 2.5m/s

Humidity: 60%

Dewpoint: 15°c

Pressure: 1018hPa

UV: 0.17

Sunrise: 6:46 am

Sunset: 7:06 pm

There will be partly cloudy until morning, then clearing

The high will be 23°c, the low will be 12°c.

Wind: 5.14m/s

Humidity: 62%

Dewpoint: 12°c

Pressure: 1020hPa

UV: 1

Sunrise: 6:47 am

Sunset: 7:04 pm

You can expect clear sky in the morning, with partly cloudy in the afternoon

The high will be 19°c, the low will be 10°c.

Wind: 5.75m/s

Humidity: 56%

Dewpoint: 7°c

Pressure: 1027hPa

UV: 1

Sunrise: 6:49 am

Sunset: 7:02 pm

There will be partly cloudy today

The high will be 20°c, the low will be 8°c.

Wind: 2.22m/s

Humidity: 58%

Dewpoint: 8°c

Pressure: 1031hPa

UV: 1

Sunrise: 6:50 am

Sunset: 7:00 pm